ISSN 2344 – 1283, ISSN CD-ROM 2344 – 1291, ISSN ONLINE 2344 – 1305, ISSN-L 2344 – 1283

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Elena MARICA

The purpose of this paper is to identify with the help of the Geographic Information System the surfaces covered with asbestos plates in the city of Alba IuliaConsidering the relatively large areas covered with asbestos-containing materials, we assessed the impact on the environmental factors water, air, soil and population.The results confirm that the population of Alba Iulia is predisposed to lung cancer, asbestosis, mesotheliomaits pastures and meadows, the important number of cow stock and possibilities to produce ecological milk.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Raluca PENU , Andrei Valentin HOLBAN , Victor Andrei GERGELY VARGA , Simona SPÎNU , Ionuţ MORARU

All over the world, especially in countries with a very strong tradition in cultivating medicinal plants, production of bio-products based on natural compounds leads to the transformation of plants in large quantities of waste, mostly unexploited. The majority of the wastes are underutilized and may cause severe environmental problems if not properly handled. Lack of cheap technological solutions for biochemical and organic remediation that could achieve gradual adaptation to environmental standards of generating pollution entities and macro-entities is the main obstacle that hampers implementation of European environmental directives. Valorization of these compounds from plants waste not only reduces environmental concerns but also improves sustainability and economic competitiveness of agro-food industries. The present paper represents a short review of the possible ways of valorization of plants waste such as lavender, mint and sage into value - added by – products.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Özgür ZEYDAN, Kübra SEVER, Elif Sena AN

Water is a vital compound to sustain our lives. On the other hand, it is a scarce resource. The consumption of water has increased over recent decades. Therefore, sustainable water consumption becomes a key concern. Turkey is a water deficit country and prevention of excessive water usage is quite important. In this study, we focused on the water consumption prevention methods in Bülent Ecevit University. Three years water consumption values have been analysed in Faculty of Engineering. The effect of installing “Pedal Controlled Lavatory Faucets” on water saving were investigated. This water saving equipment was in use between May 2016 and September 2017. Water consumption valueswere calculates as 2.61, 3.47 and 2.01 m3/capita/year for 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively. Results showed that Pedal Controlled Lavatory Faucets decreased the amount of water used in the faculty buildings.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Ionuţ Cosmin GHEORGHESCU, Florin Cristian BÂRLIBA

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the means of promoting agriculture in Europe and one of the oldest EU policies. It was created in 1962 and reformed successively in 1992, 2003 and 2013. The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development is a financing instrument for the Common Agricultural Policy, which funds the National Rural Development Program, supporting the strategic development of rural areas in Romania. The National Rural Development Program 2014 - 2020 is the program that gives grants from the European Union and the Government of Romania for the development of rural areas in Romania. The main rural development priorities for the 2014-2020 financial programming period are: • modernizing and increasing the viability of agricultural holdings by strengthening them, opening up and processing agricultural products; • encouraging rejuvenation of farmers' generations by supporting the setting up of young farmers; • the development of basic rural infrastructure as a prerequisite for attracting investment in rural areas and creating new jobs and implicitly for the development of rural areas.• Encourage the diversification of the rural economy by promoting the creation and development of SMEs in nonagricultural sectors in rural areas; • promotion of the fruit sector, as a sector with specific needs, through dedicated subprograms; • Encourage local development under the responsibility of the community through the LEADER approach. LEADER cross-cutting competence improves competitiveness, quality of life and diversification of the rural economy, and combating poverty and social exclusion. The European funds provided to Romania for agriculture, which can be obtained through the Agency for Rural Investment Financing, contribute to rural development. They help farmers set up new farms or develop the existing ones, representing a very important benefit because the grants are non-refundable.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Ionuţ Cosmin GHEORGHESCU, Florin Cristian BÂRLIBA

The permanent meadows in our country have a spread of about 4.9 million hectares, Romania occupying the fifth place in Europe after France, Great Britain, Spain and Germany. The meadows in our country, which represent 33% of the agricultural area, constitute a part of the national wealth, which is of major importance for the size of the foraging resources and their quality, as well as for the other functions having a beneficial effect on the protection and the beauty of the environment. Meadows are an essential element of sustainable farming systems, whichmeet the demands of healthy and high-quality food. In addition to the decisive role of providingfeed foranimal feed, meadows have an important role in rural development and the reflected environment through: conservation of biodiversity, improvement of soil fertility, symbiotic fixation nitrogen, hydrological balance, prevention of floods and landslides, carbon sequestration, landscape quality and important cultural heritage. Sustainable development is a complex process that runs through and below human intervention, aimed at the development of society, its materialization being based on the fact that the sustainable development of the whole is ensured by the sustainable development of to each part of human activity. Management of the meadow belonging to a locality is the way in which the management of a meadow is ensured, and the organization and exploitation of the permanent meadows (according to Government Emergency Ordinance – OUG No. 34/2013), respectively ( O.U.G. no. 34/2013). The guidelines for optimal management of different types of pastures are also dependent on the specific objectives and their main points are: timing and cutting technique, number of grazing animal feed per hectare in different types of meadows, chemical impurities depending on the type of soil , the presence of weeds or invasive species.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Constantin-Claudiu ANDRONESCU, Andan CHERIM

The paper aimed the rapid development of computer technology over the past decades which allows cartographers to manipulate large sets of high resolution data more or less easily. To generate 3D maps, there are a large number of input indices that influence the map creation process. There are a wide variety of graphical aspects for 3D map authors. In the framework of 3D map generation process, we can distinguish different graphic groups. The graphical aspects of modeling define the basic and semantic object structures in the database, and the graphic aspects of symbolism indicate the appearance of objects in form, color, style and other visual features. Finally, the graphical layout of the layout arranges all settings for the final scene view with the 3D map on different output media.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Florin Cristian BÂRLIBA, Ionuţ Cosmin GHEORGHESCU

In order to achieve a pastoral settlement is necessary to do an initial cadastral assessment of all land in the category of use, pastures and meadows which are owned by the public and private property . The cadastral evaluation of the pastoral arrangement took into account the technical works and the existing installations, indicating the place of disposition in stereographic coordinates 1970 and determining the surface of the meadow or parts of the meadow, with the presentation of the name, area, neighbourhoods and boundaries. Also, for a good approach to the issue of pastoral arrangements, it was necessary to study all the documentation underlying the property right, including the meadow sketch or the cadastral plan. The division of meadows into lands and exploitation units has been done using the geographic and topographical aspects of the meadows and depending on the access routes and the natural boundaries imposed by the land. The analysis of altitude and meadows exposure was done using the Global Mapper application by generating the topographical plan on the layout of grasslands and a level curve plan. There has also been a 3D model of the area where UAs are arranged for viewing meadows locations in a mountainous area.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Florin Cristian BÂRLIBA, Ionuţ Cosmin GHEORGHESCU, Florina MANCIU

This paper presents a digitized map of the city of Timisoara based on the exposure of the main locations by adding them to the map with a geographical position (latitude, longitude), a name and a symbol that differentiates them from each other. In addition to the attributes listed above, each point of interest also includes a description that helps platform users find out more. Spatial analysis is the process of examining, modelling and interpreting the results. After spatial analyses, information about a set of geographic data can be extracted or created. Spatial data processing is performed on the basis of algorithms using the special operations of these data categories. In GIS there are four main types of spatial analysis: spatial overlay and continuity analysis, linear analysis and raster analysis. With this spatial analysis feature, GIS software is different from CAD software. Thus, the interactive map created through the ArcGIS Online program is very useful for the city of Timisoara both for residents and tourists, especially as Timisoara was designated the European Capital of Culture in 2021.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Cristian BIHOLAR, Ionuţ CARABAS, Florina MANCIU

First priority to the realization of the survey, a topographic elevation is required, which aims to place the study object in STEREO coordinates 1970. The object of the study is located in Timisoara, within the campus of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat, & quot ;King Mihai I of Romania & quot;. The concept of 3D SURVEY is the way to be able to relate and expose a measurement of a building made in the first phase on a pencil paper, in a 3D model with exact dimensions and a stackable scale from the beginning To achieve this model, you must follow certain steps that are in line with the legislation in force and the technical way of achieving them, as provided in the cadastral documentation. The purpose of this 3D review is first and foremost the accurate and accurate understanding of the architectural style in the area where the study was made. The work was needed to update the USAMVBT heritage to make a real inventory of all campus buildings. The present paper presents only a section of a larger work, which includes, besides the rectorship building, the buildings of all the faculties, the canteen and the other utilities on the campus.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Andreea Luminiţa DEDULESCU, Valentina Mihaela BULIBAŞA

Mapping has had an essential role in history, bycapturing and transmitting models and visions of nature and social relationships. The emergence of the first maps was related to the need for orientation of the first humans and the need to delimit hunting and cultivated areas. The first aerial photographacquired from a balloon above Paris, brought a great evolution of the knowledge of the territory. We now have various images captured by a multitude of satellites, providing valuable Earth observation information. This study focuses on the Sighisoara area in order to create a geodatabase, containing maps and pictures from 1918 to the present. We used Sentinel 1, Sentinel 2 imagesfrom Copernicus Open Access Hub platform, and Landsat 8 images from Earth Explorer platform, free of charge. Image processing is made with SNAP (Sentinel Application Platform) software available for free;for Sentinel 1 images we applied a noise reduction filter, a geometric correction (geocoding based on a digital elevation model) and then cropping of the image. The Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 optical images were used to create natural color image red-green-blue combinations of spectral bands, which were initially resampled and cropped. All the products obtained have been integrated into a geodatabase using the QGISprogram, also available for free, all data being kept for future use.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Simona-Mihaela IORGULESCU

The Moon has played an important role throughout the development of human civilization. It is the only permanent natural satellite of Earth and the closest astronomical object in the universe. Between the years of 1969 and 1971 the American and Soviet space programs left a total of five retroreflectors on the lunar surface. Astronomers have been able to use powerful lasers and telescopes to perform highly accurate measurements of the distance to these artifacts. The data that have been collected have led to significant improvements in the understanding of some aspects regarding the Earth-Moon system. Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) has influenced astronomy, lunar science, gravitational physics, geodesy, geodynamics and numerous other fields. The purpose of this research is to state the historical development of Lunar Laser Ranging, what is involved in this process, the scientific accomplishments and the importance of this experiment for future explorations.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Silvia IVAN, Larisa NEAGU

This article is an overview of the impact of drones in precision agriculture based on information from studies made on this topic. The research includes the improvements drones has made in the agriculture, by making the work more efficent and easing it at the same time. Another thing about using drones is that the financial part is getting better, without losing the quality of the work.The subject of this research is in a continuous growth, more and more farmers are using it nowdays.As a conclusion, precision farming is getting better due to technology, with the number and quality of production increasing.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Florina MANCIU, Alexandru Cristian BIHOLAR , Florin Cristian BARLIBA

The paper aimed to present a GIS map with photos, text or links to the objectives of the BUASVM Timisoara campus stored in the Story Maps web application. This map can be viewed in real-time on a desktop, tablet, and even on a mobile smartphone by anyone.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Andrea MEZEI

The main purpose of the study is to effectuate a complete GIS analysis to design a fun park located within the Bucegi Natural Park. The objectives that achieve this goal are given by the complex study of the area of interest and include: topographic measurements that take into account the surface proposed for the planning and topographical measurements on the torrential hydrographic network for realizing the natural flood risk maps. The study will include the way of realizing the support network based on which was made the land measurement, both planimetric and altimetric for the elaboration of the topographic plan and the three-dimensional model of the terrain. The closed-loop method on the starting point was used, combined with the radius method. The study of the torrential hydrographic network of the area of interest envisages the elaboration of some calculations based on topographicalmeasurements made on the river valley, and its elements. This will result in the situation of the network in case of natural disasters and the management of the risk situations by estimating and quantifying the possible damages. All the steps listed above are based on the preparation of the GIS surface analysis project, which in turn will represent the basics of designing a fun park.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Lorena MITRICĂ

The paper aims at mapping the surface for the purpose of implementing the GIS project for the Regina Maria Park, located in Bran, Brasov County, and the presentation of the refurbishment solutions. This paper provides the topographic documentation necessary for the design and the realization of the GIS complex project. In order to achieve this goal, several objectives and stages were followed. For obtaining all the measurement there was used the closedloop roadside method combined with the radiation method. Additionally, there were made measurements on the field through which all the topographic details existing in the study area were radiated for the purpose of obtaining the topographic plan by which the existing situation in the field was redeemed. The necessary data for the GIS project were also collected from the field. The data obtained from the measurements that took place on the field was processed using specialized software and compensated through different methods. Using these final data all the necessary drawn pieces for completing the paper were obtained. Through the specialized programs, the complex database for the GIS project was created. Achieving these objectives aims at realizing and presenting the solutions for the refurbishment of the Regina Maria – Bran park.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Olguţa MORARIU, Florina BURESCU

Remote sensing is of great interest for the study and characterization of the vegetation and of the agricultural crops, in order to monitor them and to develop predictable patterns regarding the evolution of the crops and also for the purpose of the decision making process in real time. This paper aims to perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis between the supervised and unsupervised methods of classification of satellite imagery. In this context, a Rapid Eye satellite image was used at a 5m resolution taken from the platform from May 2016, which underwent complex preprocessing and processing operations to retrieve useful information about to the vegetal cover. The studied area is within the Experimental Didactic Station of BUSAMV Timisoara. Supervised classification was based on the Maximum Likelihood algorithm and the unsupervised was based on the ISO DATA algorithm. The Rapid Eye scene was process with ArcGIS v. 10.5 software.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Anamaria NEDA, Andrada Madalina-Maria STOICONI

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of carrying out the systematic cadastre on the territory of Romania and to present the steps that need to be taken in order to be able to register systematically. Systematic cadastral work is the identification, measurement, description and registration of buildings in technical documents, their representation on cadastral plans and the storage of data on computer media, identification of proprietor, owners and other owners of real estate in order to register in the land register and identify the owners, the holder and other owners of buildings, for registration in the Land Book. The cadastre determines the position of the building boundaries based on measurements. The beginning of the systematic registration works shall be established by order of the ANCPI General Director, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Sergiu-Bogdan POP, Andreea-Luciana SASCA, Iulia-Alina MÂNZAT

The present paper was intended to carry out a study on precision obtained by classical measurements and satellite measurements. In this regard, the total station LEICA TCR805 and the TRIMBLE R10 GPS receiver were used. The instrumental observations were made in a leveling network, which had as its known elements the coordinates of a point and orientation, located in the premises of the UASVM Cluj-Napoca. In the case of classical measurements, we did not have control elements on the polygonal route taken into study, but measurements and calculations on the same route at another date were performed to verify the positioning accuracy of the points. The positioning of the polygon route was also achieved by the Rompos-RTK method. By comparing the coordinates obtained by the two methods we obtained the maximum differences on X = -0.076 m, on Y = 0.029 m and the linear deviation mt = 0.117.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Viviana POPA

The aim of this paper is to highlight the facilities that geographic information systems make available to users for the inventory and management of green spaces. The Beginning of this study was pointed by the topographical measurements being done across the city of Targu Secuiesc targeting all the green areas of the city (trees, shrubs, hedges, parks, squares, street alignments, green spaces within public institutions, green spaces between condominium areas, playgrounds, monuments, statues and so on.). After obtaining the topographic data, they were processed and compensated by various methods in order to obtain the basic map. The basic map once obtained was entered into a GIS application through which data was gathered from the field.There were taken informations from the field about trees, shrubs and hedges such as species, diameter, viability, coronation, height, protection, but also the use of the areas within each zone: roads, green areas, floral arrangements, buildings, parking lots. These data were entered into the GIS application where the corresponding database was created. The areas on the map were encoded according to the use and the attributes of each zone were added, such as: name, postal number, address, area. The final result is a GIS database in the form of an interactive map that contains all the information required for an evidence of green spaces and beyond, which also highlights the current situation of green fields in the city of Tg. Secuiesc. Finally, a series of GIS analyzes have been made to highlight both the characteristics of green spaces in this city (size, distribution, status, distribution per inhabitant etc.), parking lots and the potential of GIS to clarify organizational, management and administration problems.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Andrada Madalina-Maria STOICONI, Anamaria NEDA

The main purpose of this research is to study the dynamics of an agricultural parcel based on spectral information obtained from Rapid Eye satellite images between May to September 2016. The dynamics of vegetation was differently expressed by the NDVI, SAVI and MSAVI2 indices determined based on spectral information. Starting from the Rapid Eye satellite imagessomespectral information characterizing the studied areas were extracted, based on spectral bands. R, G, B, Red Edge, NIR. Three vegetation indices (NDVI, SAVI and MSAVI2) have been computed and interpreted.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Claudia TIMIŞ, Lucian Vasile POPP

The assessment of agricultural land is an essential prerequisite for land organisation and use. Our goal is to create a bonitation map for the area subject to this study; natural bonitation is a quantitative measurement of the conditions which favour plant growth. The focal point of this evaluation is the land located in two villages from Fărcașa Township, Maramureș County, Romania. Forests, pastures and hay fields are already categorised as Class VI. Using the .tiff image of the area under study as starting point, we will create a geographic information system whereby, at the end, following an analysis of the space involving inquiries and joining, the plots of land can be assessed and categorised within a certain suitability class for field crops. The environmental conditions to be considered for this classification are related to geography, climate, hydrography and the physical and chemical features of the soil. This study also covers an assessment of the degree of base saturation and pH of the soil. Moreover, we will select the most suitable plot of land for field crops, based on the parameters used in this study, which were measured based on the samples taken from each land plot. The outcome will be presented as a map used for the evaluation of agricultural land.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Mihai-Daniel ŢENŢU, Theodora NICOLAE

We have done this project to present the current and historical situation of a cadastral system in several countries on the European continent. The countries we have chosen to include in the work are countries from the former communist bloc and countries of Western Europe. In the paper I approached the location of the respective countries by placing them on the continent through important geographic elements and neighbours. The period of communist regime domination in the analyzed countries, but also the development of the Western countries on a cadastral plan during the same period was another objective. Another point of interest was the state of completion of the cadastre in these countries, as well as agencies that have under their control cadastre in each country. The result of this paper led to the comparison of the cadastre system in Romania, a post-communist country, with the cadastral situation and history in other European countries, both communist and Western.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Ciprian VATASESCU

Bucharest is Romania’s capital,and in the north of this town from Romania it is a place located in Baneasa and on this surface it is intended to be built a construction having offices and administrative offices destination. Ensable wich make the object of study consists of two buildings and I decide that the cooling beams are a very good solution for air conditioning because they perform two functions : heating and cooling. These cooling beams are two types : active beam and passive beam.Both of them are very useful,but the difference between them is this one : For passive chilled beams, the heat transfer is done by radiation and convection, while in case of active chilled beams, heat transfer is enhanced because of recirculated air that is driven within the phenomenon of induction by introducing fresh air via a heat exchanger.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Luciana-Marilena VRANCUTA, Gabriela VASILE

The aim of this study was to determine the content of heavy metal from different profile of soil from the industrial platform situated in the southern part of Bucharest, in order to identify the risk of contamination with his chemical element in this area. Samples (0-0.05 and 0.20-0.025 m depth) were taken directly from four points situated in the proximity of some of the Bucharestrepresentative industrial centres with anonferrousactivity (manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferrous-alloys; manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals), as required by law.All analyses were performed in the Pollution Control Department, Water, Soil, Wastes Pollution Control Laboratory from National Research and Development Institute for Industrial Ecology, Bucharest, Romania, in accreditation system according to (SR EN ISO 17025/2005) referential standard. The results display that there is a constant risk of contamination with the following heavy metals: Nickel (all four locations) and Lead, Copper, Chromium (total) and Zinc (in at least three locations).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Özgür ZEYDAN, Furkan ÇELEBİ, Betül AYDIN

Solid Waste Management (SWM) has becoming a great problem for urban areas. Although directly transferring waste to landfill are is the cheapest solution, it is difficult to manage landfills due to some environmental problems. Therefore, reduction of solid wastes by means of recycling is needed. Benefits of recycling include recovery of valuable materials and volume reduction in landfill. Zonguldak Municipal and Medical Landfill Site have been operating since 2008. This facility also contains packaging wastes collection and separation plant. Nevertheless, recycling has not been started in Zonguldak city centre, except Bülent Ecevit University Farabi Campus. In this study, we investigated the cost of waste recycling in Zonguldak city centre. Total recyclable waste amount is calculated as 16876 kg/day. We found that 247 containers are required to temporarily store recyclable waste. Total cost of waste containers is 176605 TL (46844.8 €). Yearly recyclable waste transportation cost is 273567.5 TL, which is equal to 72564.3 €. The costs of new recycling waste containers require new investment; however, transportation cost is not a new expense. We only separated the transportation cost of recycled material from transportation of total wastes.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Özgür ZEYDAN, Beste Nur KARAKAYA

Turkey, as a European Union (EU) candidate country, is harmonising the air quality limits to meet EU standards. For this reason, PM10 limit value is being reducing in yearly intervals till 2019 when daily PM10 limit value of 50 µg/m3 will be met.On the other hand, as the limit value decreases, the air quality of Turkish cities are being considered as polluted. The aim of this paper is to present the PM10 exceedance events in Turkey between 2014 and 2016. The daily measured PM10 concentrations were obtained from National Air Quality Monitoring Network of Turkey. We calculated the number of exceedance events. Then, we created thematic maps to evaluate the PM10 exceedances both spatial and temporal. There is an increasing trend in total number of cities where the PM10 threshold is exceeded. Moreover, there exist a decreasing trend in the number of cities in which no PM10 exceedance events occurred.It would be difficult for Turkey to meet EU PM10 standards in 2019 unless certain precautions are applied. At the end of the paper, there are some suggestions to reduce PM10 emissions and to meet threshold value.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Özgür ZEYDAN, Burçin SUNAR, Zümrüt DANIR

Climate Change is the most important and the most complex environmental problem. There are two ways to deal with climate change: mitigation of Greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and adaptation to new climatic conditions. To achieve mitigation goals, accurate quantification of GHG is required. For this reason, GHG emission inventories are prepared. In order to calculate all GHG emissions in the same unit (carbon dioxide equal) Global Warming Potential (GWP) is used. Adapting to new climatic conditions is more difficult. It must be known that, which sectors will be affected from climate change. Vulnerabilities of sectors are important in climate change adaptation. In this article, we firstly gave information about GWP. Then, GHG emission inventories of European Union member states and Turkey are represented and evaluated for the years 1990 and 2014. Finally, climate change vulnerabilities of certain European Union countries and Turkey are discussed. We mainly focused on the vulnerabilities of agriculture, forestry, water resources and human health sectors as a result of temperature and precipitation changes under the influence of man-made climate change.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Alexandru SÎNTU-LĂSAT, Vlad-Ștefan ALEXANDRU

From the studies and research carried out in this study, we present a model for a sustainable development of the Beldiu village, Teiuş city, Alba county. In the first part of the research, we present the development of the agriculture, respectively the pedological studies to date, the cultures and also the development of the irrigation system. In the second part of the research, we will present a model of strategy of the improvement of watercourse Mures. Through studies done in the area we want to attract investors for the development of small agricultural or non-agricultural businesses which will result in a certain economic development in the area. Through these methods we also want the agro-tourism development, such as the creation of places to relax, farm fishery, etc. The conclusion of these studies is to develop sustainable development projects for both communes and villages that are in the meadow, thus the development of Romania.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Daniel-Mihai TOMULESCU

The beneficiary of the investment has requested evaluation of technical and economic documentation for the multifunctional building construction in Baraganu village, Braila County, assessed in compliance with the technical requirements and standards in force. The construction is thus conceived as to cover minimum capacities and surfaces to create certain adaptable spaces for future intended use. The multifunctional building is constructed to be rented in order to re-establish services that are not provided or are insufficient, for the increase people’s standard of living, the social and professional development of the commune, where preferably complementary activities should be conducted, but also the possibility of independent operation taking into consideration the organization criteria on the area of activity.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Lucian HIRJOABA

The aim of this paperwas to evaluate the quality of water povided from the municipal wastewater treatment plantof Tecuci town. In order to perform this objective, we collected the water semples and analysed them into the Faculty lab. We tested the physicaly and chemicaly characteristics of wastewater and compared theobtained values with the limits values for disposal of wastewater registeredin national Normative (NTPA 001).We found that water samples are in compliace with technical normative; the wastewater is properly treated and it can be discharged into the emissary.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Daniel AVRAM, Carmen PREOŢESCU, Gigel CALDAREA,
Iulian BRATOSIN, Raluca KIVU

This study was conducted in order to assess the usefulness and accuracy of dams deformations. Comparisons of observed movements during consecutive years show the stability of the dams. The observations are done trough levelling, a procedure that delivers altimetry data. Levelling is conducted trough points, marks and brands, of known coordinates, both in altimetric and planimetric systems. Measurements were conducted in two consecutive years. The results will be processed using Gauss Markov model. The data analysis will be done using statistical tests. The multitude of phenomena affecting dams lead to movements and deformations that must be under permanent monitoring. Land surveyors have the tools and knowledge for such performance monitoring

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Alexandru BĂLAN

This study puts forward two and a half centuries of development and changing projection systems used in Romania. It will be chronologically exposed a brief history of those, from Cassini’s cylindrical projection (1873) to the system currently used (stereographic projection 1970). The purpose of this paper is to perform a comparative analysis to understand how they work, but also to see whether the current system used in the country is one ideal or can be improved. In this respect, there are considering factors such as the reference ellipsoid, axes, preservation / deflection of angles / distances or point of origin of the system.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Ionela-Claudia BIRLEA, Catalina-Georgiana LEAHU,
Loredana MARCU, Odet OLTEAN

In this paper we wish to address the particularities of expropriation for highways that provide the legal basis by which an estate passes from private property to state ownership in the public interest needs, none the less compensation being paid. The legal basis was Law no. 255/2010, the Director General Order nr.700 / 2014. To achieve highways will perform a high volume of work by meeting various individual cases to be approved under the law.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Mihnea CĂŢEANU

Remote sensing enables the recording of accurate geomorphological data with the capability to efficiently cover large areas. However, the presence of vegetation makes the use of remote methods for terrain mapping difficult. LiDAR can be a solution for forestry projects, as the laser pulses can cross the entire forest canopy and reach the soil underneath. LiDAR data is stored as 3D point clouds containing the pulse returns from the ground or various objects above it (such as power lines, buildings or vegetation). In order to interpolate an accurate Digital Terrain Model (DTM), the points coresponding to the ground returns have to be extracted from the initial point cloud. This process is called ground-filtering or simply filtering. This paper aims to provide a performance analysis of multiple algorithms for LiDAR data classification. Algorithm performance is reviewed for the case of mountainous terrain, characterised by moderate and steep slopes and forest vegetation of a generally high consistency. Our findings suggest that the Lasground-new algorithm implemented in the Lastools software package provides the most accurate results, with a Root Mean Square Error of elevation values for the study site of 0.34 metres (with over 80 percent of the area having an elevation error of less than 0.20 metres) and an average RMSE for the field plots of 0.66 metres. Free algorithms such as Maximum Local Slope or gLidar provide relatively similar results in terms of RMSE. taking into account the difficult test conditions (topographically complex surface with dense canopy cover) we consider LiDAR data to be a possible solution for collecting geomorphological data for forestry applications, as long as a sampling of elevation at finer scales is not required.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Constantin Răzvan CREŢESCU

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become an attractive data acquisition platform in photogrammetric applications. As we know, the fundamental photogrammetric and remote sensing problem is the determination with high accuracy of the attitude, the position and the intrinsic geometric characteristics of the sensor. At the beginning, the aerial photogrammetric systems had a fairly low accuracy position, but today’s, the new aerial photogrammetric systems allow the real-time determination of all parameters of exterior orientation with a good enough accuracy. Because of this, the advantage is that we can achieve direct georeferencing without needing to determine the coordinates of ground's control points, before or after the photogrammetric flight. In this paper I present some practical results of so called direct georeferencing of digital images, using of direct measurements of the image’s exterior orientation parameters by a GNSS/IMU system. This application is achieved by the aid of the collinearity concept, and just for a good accuracy estimation of the method, I have used few ground control points.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Raluca-Gabriela KIVU

This paper shows the effects of electromagnetic waves on humans and other living organisms, waves that are being transmitted by instruments or machines which give off electromagnetic radiations during function, especially GSM relays. It contains general information about areas that are strongly radiated like the ones that are near GSM relays, more accurately, information about the Odobesti relay; it also presents summaries and conclusions as a result of passing along surveys in the nearby area of this relay, but also in areas in which it does not exist such a relay, and also interviews with beekeepers.The purpose of this paper is to highlight the daily impact that electromagnetic waves has on humans and other living organisms, in order to determine the disadvantages of placing these relays in populated areas..

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Raluca Gabriela KIVU, Carmen Mihaela PREOTESCU,

Hydro tehnical structures are part of the strategic structures of great importance in terms of environmental protection, due both to their environmental impact and potential environmental hazards. The reason for their importance policy is twofold: on the one hand, water resources controlled by these structures are of vital importance for sustainable regional development (water supply for the population, agriculture, power generation, etc.), and on the other hand hydro tehnical structures presents one of the greatest dangers given the energy potential of their destruction (dams, dikes) or potential hazards (ponds, wastewater). The paper shows the importance of monitoring the behaviour of hydro tehnical structures and to establish the vertical displacements towards the base and previous slice of instalment. As a case study we chose the concrete dam from Herculane

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Michele LA RUNA

This paper aims to present some aspects regarding the cadastral work in Italy. Cassini-Soldner is a afilactic projection, from the deformation point of view, that is arbitrary, usually from arbitrary was passed to equidistant (preserves the distances on a direction). The Soldner method was designed in 1809 in Germany. It uses as orientation ellipsoid the Bessel ellipsoid (1841). In terms of surface projection is a transverse cylindrical, the cylinder's axis is perpendicular to the pole’s axis and the cylinder’s tangent is at the origin meridian. The origin of the system is on the equator, the X axis is oriented on the north and the Y axis is oriented on the east. Unlike Cassini-Soldner projection, the Gauss-Kruger projection is a conform projection from the point of view of deformations (preserves the angles).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Maria-Olivia MOLDOVAN, Maxim COROCHII, Iulia-Diana GLIGA

The temperature is one of the most important climatic factors when it comes to land reclamation. The aim of this paper is modelling the average annual temperature for the year 2015 in Romania, in order to have information regarding the recorded values within the perimeter of the Horticultural Research Station, Cluj-Napoca. For the study area, a complex database will be created using spatial analysis specific factors. Spatial distribution of air temperatures is influenced by altitude, respectively there is a dependency between these two factors: air temperature decreases as the altitude increases. Thus, utilizing the data from the meteorological stations, the analysis aims to realize with the help of G.I.S. (Geographic Information Systems) techniques a map containing the average annual temperature for the year 2015 within the study area. The results obtained by this study indicate a temperature between 9.9 and 10.7oC.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Giulia-Laura PANTEA, Anca-Simona LACUSTEANU

In January 2017, extremely low temperatures caused the freezing of the Danube Delta, leading to the complete isolation of some villages for a couple of weeks. The area was monitored from space, based on images acquired by Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, two satellite missions launched in the frame of the European Programme Copernicus. Sentinel-1 is equipped with a C-band synthetic aperture radar, while Sentinel-2 has a multi-spectral optical sensor acquiring data in 13 spectral bands. The spatial resolution of the GRD (Ground Range Detected) Sentinel-1 products used in this study is 10 meters, while the spatial resolution of the MSI (Multi-Spectral Instrument) Sentinel-2 products is 10 m, 20 m and 60 m, depending on the spectral band (B2, B3, B4, B8 – highest resolution, B5, B6, B7, B8a, B11, B12 – medium resolution and B1, B9, B10 – lowest resolution). The Sentinel-1/2 satellites collect complementary information that can be used for the frequent monitoring of vast areas, given the fact that each mission is composed of a pair of satellites (Sentinel-1A/B and Sentinel-2A/B). Sentinel-2B was launched on the 7th of March 2017 and it is currently in the commissioning phase. The present study aims at promoting the usefulness and adequacy of satellite data for monitoring the situation on the ground, especially when the area is not accessible by other means.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Carmen-Mihaela PREOŢESCU, Adrian-Mihai NEDEA

This appropriation is intended for the students of knowledge photogrammetric-related basic analog and digital: focal length,the inner and outer orientation ofphotogram, coordinate systems used in photogrammetry, useofspecializedprograms for processing.They are used in particular specialty programs, like VeCad, AgiSoft,PhotoScan and Pix4D, to bring out the advantages of using photogrammetric techniques "low-cost" digital as innovative practices in the process of education,with special effects in the fields of architectural and historical heritage. Digital stereoscopic measuring systems follow analytical stereoplotters well known as the more expensive systems. Many plottings are still done on analytical stereoplotters for metric documentation but as the performance and handle of digital systems increase and allow mass restitution. As textures are more and more required for 3D models, digital photographs and systems are getting more and more importance.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Delia TOMESC, Cristina GANEA

The present paper brings forward proposals and trends in implementation of a dedicated geoportal for the management of heritage objects to complete the existing urban GIS primarily aiming to contribute to fostering the urban planning and the sustainability of the “European capital of culture” project. The need of this geoportal arises from the fact that Timişoara has the widest architectural heritage area in the country, of important value to both Romania and Europe. The preservation of this cultural heritage is a duty for the authorities and also for the owners.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Alexandra TRIF, Alexandru BOAŞCĂ

Increasingly often we hear the terms “precision agriculture” and “modern monitoring tools”. Thus, we wish to bring to the fore the drone, as an agricultural tool which can be used to take pictures of crops and to help determine the degree of destruction of rapeseed cultures during the end of winter and in the beginning of spring. To achieve this, we want to determine what is the optimal flight altitude of a drone for taking pictures of the ground and of the rapeseed cultures. The pictures from the drone are processed with modern methods of pixel classification, in order to obtain the most accurate percentage of vegetation. We will use GIS instruments, GPS measuring tools, custom Python scripts for pixel classification and the LeoWorks software.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Nicolae-Marius VASILESCU, Alexandru-Nicolae LUPU

The methods, the techniques and the advanced instruments used in engineering field and the land surveying made possible the applicability in many engineering fields. It provides the ability to save time and resources while due to the precision offered by the instruments and the working methods can achieve sustainability studies, extent and hostile land for construction industry; the size of the construction components, precision topographic works to designing and building the edifice, the nature and volume of oscillation of level earth, the nature of the materials used, methods of execution deadlines for putting into use, etc. Application of topography can not be a passively act, but an active one, both in design and the execution of engineering objectives.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Anca BARCU

Global warming has been a controversial factor with polarizing supporters for many years. Initially, claims were made that global warming was a myth, given the relative short span of observed climate, but nowadays more and more scientists believe that global warming is a fact and this paper aims to prove that. From shrinking ice in Antarctica, acidification of oceans or CO2 emissions effects to temperature graphs, there is ample evidence that there are snowballing effects that will impact Earth mid to long term. More than 97% of climate experts agree that anthropogenic actions are determining a steady increase in global temperatures, with compounding effects on the environment.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Maxim COROCHII

The degradation phenomena of river bank after afforestation still persists. The tree stands were established in 1998, and 1999. The method used for river bank stability was to establish tree stands mixed with unplanted stripes. The aim of research is to determine the water holding capacity of soil, due to the related events regarding water in soil. The phenomena of water moving through hydrophilic porous materials are conditional for land properties. Due to the aspect of mixed afforestation method, it was observed a difference opposite with expectations: water hold capacity should be very good (higher than 50% of dry soil weight) in tree stands. The mean of water holding capacity, determined in laboratory conditions, for soil located at the edge of tree stand is 19.47% of dry soil weight, and for soil located in the unplanted stripe is 30.53% of dry soil weight.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Andreea - Simona CURIAC, Andrei PETRE, Andreia-Gabriela STOICA, Stefan-Adrian SANDU

In daily life, expanded polystyrene foams (EPS) are widely used as packaging material, construction material, and in household appliances as well as many others. On the other hand, waste EPS has caused lots of environmental pollutions because it cannot be decomposed by the natural processes.With law 211/2011, to add in 2016 romanian entrepreneurs in construction sector had to find a friendly solution with the environment for recycling EPS. This article aims to present one of these Styrofoam organically recycling and also to prepare and use in the laboratory an adhesive from expandable polystyrene waste.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Alin DANCA

The aim of this paper was to assess the heavy metals contents of carrots and apples provided from Romanian markets and supermarkets. Arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead and zinc were the heavy metals selected to be analyzed. The amount of heavy metals was determined by using the ICP-MS method (mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. The data showed that metal concentrations are in accordance with concentrations required by low for fresh vegetables and fruits, with the exceptions of zinc content in apple samples.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Halil Burak ERTÜRK, Nizamettin ÖZDOĞAN

In recent years, urbanization, industrialization, population, domestic and industrial productions are increasing. However, organic and inorganic wastes are released into the ecosystem. Mining, urban or industrial solid, gas and liquid waste, pesticide and artificial fertilizer use, paint industry and car exhaust gases cause excessive release of heavy metals in nature. Some activities of heavy metals accumulate in there sulting soil. This accumulation is not just about soil and ecosystem. At the same time affects the food chain also human and animal health. These polluted soils are the most difficult work in terms of environmental engineering. The high costs of clean-up activities of contaminated soil have limited the use of classical disposal technologies limited.
Environmental engineers have also developed phytoremediation and bioremediation techniques to remove these toxic elements. The phytoremediation technique is more preferrable in this field, because of its environmental friendly properties and cost.The ability of hyperacumulator plants to absorb large amounts of toxic elements in their bodies mad ethese plant spreferrable in clean up activities. One of the most important advantages of the phytoremedical technique is that it provides in-situtreatment and it requires very few extra efforts to remove the pollution. In addition, phytoremediation does not harm natural resources. However, the phytoremediation technique can only be use in shallow regions in water, soil and sediment. Another short coming of their technique is that plants can not show their efficacy in very short time in highly polluted areas. For this reason, the phytoremediation technique can only be used at low levels of contaminated sites. In this review, the effects of heavy metals in the soil, the applications of the phytoremediation technique to remove heavy metals from the soil and the prosandcons of these methods have been studied.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Lazar FLAMIND, Maria-Olivia MOLDOVAN

The study's purpose is to determine the physico-chemical characteristics of soil (granulometry, organic substance, pH, humidity), the samples being gathered from three different areas regarding the internal zoning, but similar regarding the altitude, the aspect, the slope and the type of vegetation. The sample A1 from the strictly protected zone, the resort Corongis, is the control sample.
The granulometric analysis has been realized by using the Kacinski method. The soil’s humidity (W) has been determined by drying in a stove at 105˚ C, the pH has been determined by using the Glass electrode method and the organic substance has been determined by using the Calcination method.

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