Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 6
Written by Cristian BIHOLAR, Ionuţ CARABAS, Florina MANCIU
First priority to the realization of the survey, a topographic elevation is required, which aims to place the study object in STEREO coordinates 1970. The object of the study is located in Timisoara, within the campus of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat, & quot ;King Mihai I of Romania & quot;. The concept of 3D SURVEY is the way to be able to relate and expose a measurement of a building made in the first phase on a pencil paper, in a 3D model with exact dimensions and a stackable scale from the beginning To achieve this model, you must follow certain steps that are in line with the legislation in force and the technical way of achieving them, as provided in the cadastral documentation. The purpose of this 3D review is first and foremost the accurate and accurate understanding of the architectural style in the area where the study was made. The work was needed to update the USAMVBT heritage to make a real inventory of all campus buildings. The present paper presents only a section of a larger work, which includes, besides the rectorship building, the buildings of all the faculties, the canteen and the other utilities on the campus.
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