Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 10
Written by Elena-Georgiana ZLOTEA, Beniamin-Adelin GARVĂN
Effective planning for the supply of safe drinking-water must consider the growing uncertainties associated with a changing climate. Strengthening resilience can support water suppliers to better anticipate, respond to, cope with, recover quickly from, and adapt to, future shocks and stresses associated with climate variability and change. Water safety planning offers a systematic approach to build resilience to current and emerging climate threats by considering the implications of climate variability and change at each stage of the water supply. In Romania, through the Order no. 2.721/2.551/2.727/2022, regarding the approval of the General Framework for water safety plans (WSP), the responsibilities of competent authorities and water producers and/or distributors regarding the preparation, assessment and approval of water safety plans, have been established. The obligation to draw up the WSP rests with the producer, in collaboration with the water distributor, depending on the case, the implementation of such a document will be carried out by the water producer/distributor with the support of the WSP team, established at the level of water operators who supply at least 1,000 mc of water/day or supply a community with minimum 5,000 inhabitants.
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