Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Journal of Young Scientist", Vol. 5
Written by Luiza-Cecilia SPIRIDON, Denisa Elena-Maria POPOCEA, Mihaela-Andreea SOLOMON
This article aims to present the multiple perspectives that compete in defining public perception over global warming and the impact that several endogoenous and/or exogenous factors have on it. Due to the overwhelming amount of existing information, often conflicting and vague,we have confined ourselvesto try to identify common patterns - elements and differences in the discourse on global warming of different actors that have agreat impact on public opinion. We consulted materials provided by scientists, activists, politicians and public media and we have also aligned ourselves to previous research and studies on the controversy aroused by the subject of global warming in order to better graspthe complex relation between existing arguments and counterarguments and how theyaffect public opinion. In the conclusion section, we bring to attention some of the most relevant factors of confusion and misinterpretation that we have identified as leading to a continous dynamic of the public perception over global warming, thus contributing to a general state of confusion and insecurity.
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