Published in Journal of Young Scientist, Vol.I
Written by Denisa Ana-Maria POPA
This presentation brings into your attention one of the possibilities to create a digital sky map (combining the graphical part with the textual one). This map is realised in order to represent the northen hemisphere of the sky vault using a right azimuthal projection, equidistant on the meridians, which contains over 700 stars having the magnitude less than 5, joined in 42 constellations. To achieve this purpose it was used a scanned map in order to draw the constellations limits and the zodiacal signs while the representation of the stars was possible using their equatorial coordinates from the FK 5 catalog. Regarding the textual part of the map this project shows how to create a Microsoft Access database and the method / the steps by which it is attached to the graphical map in a dwg. format. So, it is a fact that using digital maps is more advantageous than using the analog ones, because it is possible to store a much larger amount of information.
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