Published in Journal of Young Scientist, Vol.I
Written by Alexandra Georgiana CENUŞĂ, Alina Raluca MUREŞAN, Mihăiţă NICOLESCU, George Mihăiţă STANCU
This paper has as main purpose the determination of the small water catching areas using the scientific method. This method is applied for the Voinesti water catchsituated in the west extremity of the sub-Carpathian curvature. With this method the most important parameter is the one referring to theflowing coefficient.The global flowing coefficient is determined as an weighted average of the partial flowing coefficients corresponding to the different surfaces. This depends on the type of vegetation, on the soil type, and the inclination of the ground. GIS implementation for calculating the maximum flow by using the scientific method was made with a soft that functions under Arc Desktop 9.3. The results obtained were compared utilising the reduction method.
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